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Rodriguez to Sin again?

There is quite a fan base for Robert Rodriguez’s movie Sin City and there is some definite want for sequel and there is some talk about a sequel out of Rodriguez’s mouth.

            Rodriguez had been at comic-con talking all about what he is doing now and what is coming up. One of these movies he was talking about just happened to be Sin City 2. However this doesn’t mean it’s a guaranteed thing that it is coming. Rodriguez has teased the second coming of Sin City a few times before so this really in itself is no reason to shout to the heavens. However he has said something that could bring finality to his promises in either way hopefully by saying, “(if sin city 2) is going to happen, it's going to happen this year”.
            The story gets a whole lot more enticing by coming back during SXSW and not only talking about his new animation company he came back talking about Sin City 2 is still on his mind. He said he would begin filming on the much anticipated sequel this summer.

            But what does this mean for industry professionals? First off it means anyone out there freelancing hoping to get on a new comic book movie its time to start looking up Rodriguez and making sure everything is up to date on your resume. Second any talent agent should keep a good eye on this movie since Rodriguez has been known to work well on a smaller budget and working with newer talent. This would give a great chance to get someone you’re representing in the industry into a well known highly anticipated movie. Being able to notice these types of rumblings in the making can help you get any talent any job they need.

            But altogether this movie could go either way. But in my eyes I sure hope this long wait of a rainbow ends in a real pot of gold.


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