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Murray no longer willing to bust ghosts.

There are some actors out there that just make a movie and one of them is Bill Murray especially as his role, Peter Venkman in Ghostbusters. However even though there is rumor of interest in a possible sequel being written by co-star Dan Aykroyd it doesn’t look like Murray will be a part of it.
            Recently Aykroyd has just come out and officially said that Murray will definitely not being returning to his role in Ghostbusters 3. However sad this seems Aykroyd has been very understanding of the situation and is seemingly putting his friendship with Murray on the forefront and saying there are no hard feelings with the decision Murray has made.

            In my opinion and many others without the four original Ghostbusters mainly Aykroyd and Murray it just wouldn’t be the classic ghostbusters movies I knew and loved. However this doesn’t seem to be the studios or Aykroyd’s main thought since they are saying there could be a possible recast and the production may still be going on. This to me seems like a travesty and could ruin the franchise for a lot of new, younger audiences the movie was originally being made to get the attention of.

            With this being noted if I was Murray’s agent I would stand behind my actors decision with him being as big as he is. With this being said I would have to try my hardest to keep this movie from being made. Even though I’m sure a good actor would be cast it just wouldn’t be the same movies as they were and could have a possibility of reflecting bad on his prior work. I can only hope his agent has the same ideas and this movie can be stopped before it goes into full production. Even though I would love to see a Ghostbusters 3 it just wouldn’t be Ghostbusters without Murray.


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