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Scott back at it

So Ridley Scott seems to be making a big impact with his upcoming movie Prometheus coming up. So what do you do when making a movie based in the universe of one of your best movies? Well his answer to this question would be to go to another huge movie that has an arguably bigger fan base than even the Alien movies. 
This movie would be another movie in the Bladerunner universe, more specifically a direct sequel to Bladerunner itself. Ridley Scott has just announced this recently when asked what he would do next after Prometheus released. At first he wasn’t clear on if it would be like Prometheus and just a based in the universe movie or a direct sequel he has recently come out and said it is not only a direct sequel but will actually star a female protagonist this time.

So the question is, will this be the movie we have been waiting for or has it just been too long to do a sequel. In my humble opinion I feel like it is not too long at all but just at the right time for the themes in the movie to hit home just a little more. With the first movies themes of who do you consider human and not and where is the line between humanity and technology. While these questions were definitely pertinent when Bladerunner released due to the rising nature of computers and the possibilities of what could happen we now are so far advanced it is not could it happen but when it happens so it brings the audience that much more into a movie like this.

Now does this mean the movie will be a guaranteed great movie? Of course not but it is definitely not something to write off as a badly conceived sequel but perhaps a piece of timing that we should just trust to have some possibility of being something special after seeing what Scott is doing with Prometheus.


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