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The Book is not enough!

            I am always one to listen to someone who really loves listening to someone who is an expert on and passionate about any subject, which is why I am a regular visitor on
Today I saw a man and this mans name was Joe Sabia and he dared to get up on stage and talk about how storytelling has evolved from the book to the internet and that isn’t such a bad thing. In short he basically talks how one man, Lothar Meggendorfer changed the way we consume stories by taking the book a form that in his time had remained unchanged for 400 years and changes it up by bringing it to the next level and makes the Pop-up book. Joe also states that this is the one event that would change storytelling forever and just started the evolution of story mediums from the pop up book all the way to the internet.

            This was made all the more fascinating by the fact that he wasn’t just the regular presenter standing up there telling his own story with not just a microphone but an IPad. This was absolutely a joy to watch just for that fact because not only was he saying the story has evolved in ways of distribution but he was showing it with video clips music and translation software, it really was something to see. This got me thinking though he stops at the internet but really I think we have even passed that with him proving mobile devices like the IPad and Ereaders like the kindle are really the next evolution in storytelling allowing better presentation like Joe did and more accessible information since instead of going to a store or a library you always have a bookstore or library with you wherever you go with those mobile devices. I see this as the next wave of readers since reading is becoming more accessible and fun with these mobile devices.


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