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Ubisoft in the Film World?

I may be an expert in films but they are not my only hobby. I am a huge video game junkie as well and the two never have seemed to get along but that may be changing soon.

The movie world has always been chomping at the bit to grab the next big video game franchise and make it into a blockbuster, and has fallen on its head numerous times in trying to do so. With horrid movies like Super Mario Brothers, which had about as much to do with its source material as an apple has in common with an orange its no surprise the video game audiences have always berated video game based movies.

However Game Developer Ubisoft wants to change this. Their franchise Assassins Creed is beyond popular and has been hinted at being made into a movie by Sony entertainment. However Ubisoft doesn’t want another disaster of a movie on their hands so they have taken control of the casting, script and even release date of the movie to make sure it is worthy of the Assassins Creed name.

This is absolutely crazy to think that a film company would give up its right to make its own movie the way it wants to. However the thinking on Ubisoft has merit, many video game films like the ones made but the much maligned Uwe Boll have pretty much just been terrible not only because the director and producer lack talent but they have no connection to the source material, just the money they make and the movies suffer because of it. This is where Ubisoft’s move starts to make sense, they have more passion for the source material than anyone else and truly could make a movie worth the name of a popular game.

Now the question is will this be a big swing in video game movies actually being seen as good and passionately made movies. Or will the film industry just shove its nose up at Ubisoft and make sure this type of deal will never be made. Either way it is definitely one way to stir up the video game movie industry.


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