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Hobbit limited 48 fps release

            For anyone following the Hobbit’s production or interested in new trends in movies they would have heard of Peter Jackson pushing the fact that he shot the Hobbit in 48 frames per second rather than the standard 24 frames per second. However it has recently been announced that the 48 frames per second versions will only be on limited release with the standard 24 frames per second taking most real estate in movie theatres.
While this may seem like an odd decision after Jackson has pushed so hard for this technology, looking into it a bit further it may be the best decision overall. First off when doing the test screening of the 48 frames per second movie people were saying they either felt really awkward watching a movie with basically no motion blur and a few even felt sick only after a ten minute screening. This should make it pretty obvious why some theatres may not want to show a version of a movie that may make their customers sick.

            This could also be a bit of a godsend for those filmmakers who still want to cling to film for as long as they can. Since filming a movie at twice the rate would double the amount of physical film needed that could skyrocket budgets of movies wanting to still use film since the need for it would become much higher causing even mid level budgeted films to be forced to shoot in digital if 48 became the standard. While even if they did show the 48 frames per second in every theatre wouldn’t guarantee 48 frames per second becoming standard not having it there might just add a little breathing room.

            So for now anyone interested in seeing the new format can possibly look up the limited theatres showing the Hobbit in 48 frames. Though for anyone else not in an area with a theatre taking the risk or just not in the know we can just stay with our 24 frames per second a little longer.


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