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Walking Dead shambling back for another season.

The critically acclaimed zombie based television show The Walking Dead is back for a second season with an hour and a half episode last Sunday. After watching the first episode I can surely say this season has started right where the last season left off high energy, high tension and huge drama proving this show is most definitely worthy of being the highest rated premier of a basic cable drama ever.

The show starts up just where it left off last season with the gang on the road after leaving the CDC due to circumstances beyond their control. I knew this was going to be another high tension season when only a few minutes into the episode I am holding onto my seat for dear life when a herd of zombie starts shambling by the survivors as they are scrounging for new goods from a bunch of wrecked cars on the highway, and it just got better from there with separations from the group occurring and a few plot strings being re-examined to tie back to the first season such as the affair between Lori and Shane still causing rocky relationships between the grimes and Shane, causing Shane to make a rash decision. Another thread brought back seeming to bring a new string to the mix is Andrea feeling resentment towards Dale for saving her at the CDC causing a whole new story to unfold between them.

To say the least this is so far looking to be a start to a great second season for the show. With this excellent episode and the ratings as high as they are the proposed budget cuts to the show, which were teased at this summer will not come to fruition with proof that this shows sells, and sells like hotcakes at that. I for one hope this show keeps on strong and isn’t held back by any production cutbacks as is slightly possible.

            For those not in the know The Walking Dead is a television series based on the acclaimed graphic novel of the same name, which shows on AMC every Sunday at 9/8c. For those that want to catch up of the happenings of the first episode you can find the dvd here.


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