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SOPA and the film industry

The movie industry and government are and always will be fighting piracy till currency is abolished but the question is when is protecting copyright going to far.

            That is the question with two bills going through the senate and the house in the United States. These two bills are the PIPA (Protect IP Act) and SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act). But what makes these two bills so atrocious, in short really loose wording and horrible clauses put in both bills that will enable someone to shut down a site just for having copyrighted content on it weather its used in accordance to fair use or not. This isn’t just the content they can take down which under current law is possible on most of the internet but the whole site can be taken down due to one infraction. With user created content sites like Youtube out there and Google (Since it covers links to copyrighted content as well) could be completely shut down.

            This is absolutely ludicrous not only is it going to hurt the whole internet and infringe on the freedom of speech that we Americans hold so dear and we thought our government did as well, I believe it could hurt the Film industry as well. First of all if a popular site is taken down by this act and it comes out that it was due to a studio’s movie being on the site people would quickly accuse the studio of causing the site blockage even though it could just be a government official proving that the bill can be used to stop piracy. This is lunacy in its own but also you have to look even though piracy does take money from studios and I do not condone it in the least, I do understand it does happen and I also know that pirates tend to drive business to the studio as well with many only pirating to see if they want a movie to only go buy it later and also some pirates talking to other people willing to pay about the movie in great word of mouth advertising that you wouldn’t get if you enacted something like this. This is all to say that people don’t already blame film companies for pushing the legislation in the first place.

            So if you think this is as big an outrage as me join the like of Reddit and Google in their protesting of this bill on this day.

Netflix hits another roadblock

I am obviously a huge move buff, and because of this fact I love the service Netflix provides in enabling me to stream movies readily, legally and easily. However Netflix seems to be stumbling over its own feet since late last year and has hit yet another hitch already this year.

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